Monday, July 22, 2024

Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve

Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve UPSC

Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve is a renowned biosphere reserve located in the Satpura Range of Madhya Pradesh, India. It is recognized as a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve. The reserve is named after the hill station town of Pachmarhi, which is situated within its boundaries. 

Apart from its ecological importance, Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve also holds cultural and historical significance. It is dotted with ancient caves, rock paintings, and archaeological sites, showcasing the presence of human habitation dating back thousands of years. 

Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve is often recognized as “Genetic Express Highway” linking two biological hot spots of the country viz. Eastern Himalayas and the Western Ghats, also as a confluence of northern and southern type of vegetation. 

Table of Contents

  • Location
  • History
  • Area
  • Hills
  • River
  • Tribe
  • Rock Shelters And Ancient Cave Paintings
  • Flora
  • Fauna
    • Mammals
    • Birds
    • Reptile
  • UPSC Questions

Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve Location

The Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve is located in the Narmadapuram, Betul, and Chhindwara districts of Madhya Pradesh, India. It is situated in the Satpura Range of hills, which is part of the larger Satpura Maikal landscape

Pachmarhi, the hill station town after which the biosphere reserve is named, is located within the boundaries of the reserve. It serves as the main entry point for visitors and provides accommodation and tourist facilities. 

Pachmarhi is approximately 210 kilometers (130 miles) south-east of Bhopal, the capital city of Madhya Pradesh. 

Nearest Airport:

The nearest airport to Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve is the Raja Bhoj Airport in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh. It is approximately 210 kilometers (130 miles) away from Pachmarhi. 

Nearest Railway Station:

When it comes to the nearest railway station, Pipariya Railway Station is the most convenient option. It is located around 47 kilometers (29 miles) from Pachmarhi. Pipariya is well-connected to major cities in India through regular train services. 

Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve History

The history of the Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve is closely intertwined with the human settlements and the conservation efforts in the region. Here's an overview of its history:

1. Mythological Significance: The name "Pachmarhi" is derived from the Hindi words "Panch" (five) and "Marhi" (caves) - the famous Pandav Caves. It is believed that these caves were built by the five Pandava brothers of the Mahabharatha era during their thirteen years of exile. These caves, along with other rock shelters, serve as a testament to the region's mythological and historical significance.

2. Indigenous Inhabitants: The Pachmarhi region has a long history of human habitation. Indigenous tribes, including the Gond, Bhil, and Korku communities, have lived in and around the area for centuries. These tribes have a deep connection with the forests and have traditionally practiced sustainable livelihoods and conservation practices.

3. Colonial Era: During the British colonial period, Pachmarhi gained prominence as a hill station due to its pleasant climate and scenic beauty. The British established a cantonment in Pachmarhi and utilized the surrounding forests for timber extraction and other resources.

4. Recognition as a Biosphere Reserve: In 1999, recognizing the unique biodiversity and cultural heritage of the region, the Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve was established by government of India.

5. Recognition as a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve: In 2009, It was designated as a biosphere reserve under UNESCO's Man and the Biosphere Program. The reserve covers a significant portion of the Satpura Range and aims to conserve the natural and cultural heritage while promoting sustainable development.

6. Cultural Significance: Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve is not only known for its ecological importance but also its cultural significance. The region is home to ancient caves and rock shelters that contain prehistoric rock paintings (up to 2,500 years old) and archaeological artifacts. These sites provide insights into the history and cultural heritage of early human settlements in the area.

Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve Area

The Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve covers an extensive area in the state of Madhya Pradesh, India. The reserve spans across approximately 4,926 square kilometers (1,900 square miles) of land. This vast expanse includes diverse ecosystems such as forests, grasslands, wetlands, and rocky terrain. 

Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve area consists of

  • Bori Sanctuary (518.00 km2)
  • Pachmarhi Sanctuary (461.37 km2)
  • Satpura National Park (524.37 km2)

Note- Bori Sanctuary, Pachmarhi Sanctuary and Satpura National Park altogether have also been notified as Satpura Tiger Reserve.

National Park in Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve:

Wildlife Sanctuaries in Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve:

Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve Hills

The Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve is located within the Satpura Range of hills in Madhya Pradesh, India. These hills contribute to the scenic beauty and diverse landscapes of the reserve. Here are some key aspects of the hills within the Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve:

(1) Satpura Range:

The Satpura Range is a prominent mountain range in central India, and it extends through multiple states, including Madhya Pradesh. Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve is nestled within this range, benefiting from its geological features and rich biodiversity. Dhoopgarh (1,350 meters) is the highest peak in the Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve. It is located in the Satpura Range.

(2) Pachmarhi:

Pachmarhi, the hill station town situated within the reserve, attracts tourists with its pleasant climate and beautiful surroundings. The hills serve as a natural attraction for visitors, offering opportunities for trekking, hiking, and exploring the scenic trails.

Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve River

Which rivers flow through Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve?

The Denwa River is a significant river that flows through the Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve. It originates in the Satpura Range, located near the eastern border of the reserve, and meanders its way through the lush landscapes.

The Denwa River is a tributary of the Tawa River and is known for its pristine beauty and ecological importance. It flows in a north-westerly direction, eventually joining the Tawa River in the vicinity of the Satpura National Park.

Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve Tribe

Which tribes are found in Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve?

The Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve is home to several indigenous tribal communities, with the Gond and Korku tribes being the prominent ones. These tribes have a long-standing presence in the region and have a unique relationship with the reserve. 

(1) Gond Tribe:

The Gond tribe is one of the largest indigenous communities in central India, and they have a significant presence in the Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve. Gonds have a deep connection with the forests and the natural environment. They have traditionally practiced sustainable livelihoods, including agriculture, hunting, gathering, and traditional crafts. The Gonds have a rich cultural heritage, with their own language, art, music, and dance forms.

(2) Korku Tribe:

The Korku tribe is another indigenous community that resides in the vicinity of the Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve. The Korkus have traditionally been agriculturalists and have made significant contributions to the region's agricultural practices. They introduced the cultivation of potatoes and have been involved in honey production using honeycombs in substantial quantities for commercial purposes.

Rock Shelters And Ancient Cave Paintings

The Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve is renowned for its rock shelters and ancient cave paintings, which provide valuable insights into the region's historical and cultural significance. Here's some information about the rock shelters and cave paintings within the reserve:

(1) Rock Shelters:

The Pachmarhi region is home to numerous rock shelters that served as shelters and dwelling places for early human communities. These rock shelters were formed naturally due to geological processes and provide protection from the elements. The rock shelters are typically found in the sandstone cliffs and hills of the region.

(2) Ancient Cave Paintings:

The rock shelters within the Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve are adorned with ancient cave paintings, also known as rock art. These paintings are a significant archaeological and cultural treasure, providing glimpses into the lives, beliefs, and artistic expressions of the early inhabitants of the region.

The rock paintings in Pachmarhi are believed to be thousands of years old, with some dating back as far as 10,000 years. These paintings depict various themes such as hunting scenes, animals, human figures, religious and ritualistic practices, and everyday life activities. They were created using natural pigments, derived from minerals, plants, and animal sources, and applied onto the rock surfaces.

Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve Flora

Which flora is found in Pachmarhi Biosphere?

The Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve boasts a rich and diverse flora, with its varied ecosystems supporting a wide range of plant species. Here are some key features of the flora within the Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve:

(1) Forests:

The reserve is primarily covered by dense forests, which are dominated by various tree species. The most prominent trees include teak (Tectona grandis), sal (Shorea robusta), bamboo (Bambusoideae), tendu (Diospyros melanoxylon), and mahua (Madhuca longifolia).

(2) Medicinal Plants:

The Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve is home to a wide array of medicinal plants, which have been traditionally used by local communities for their healing properties. These plants include amla (Phyllanthus emblica), harad (Terminalia chebula), baheda (Terminalia bellirica), guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia), and many more. The reserve's flora has attracted the attention of researchers and herbal enthusiasts interested in studying and conserving traditional medicinal knowledge.

(3) Grasslands:

The Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve also features grasslands and meadows, which provide a unique habitat for various plant species. These open areas support grasses like elephant grass (Saccharum ravennae), spear grass (Imperata cylindrica), and various other herbaceous plants.

(4) Shrublands:

In addition to forests and grasslands, the Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve includes shrublands characterized by shrubby vegetation. These shrublands are composed of plants like Lantana camara, Clerodendrum viscosum, and Dodonaea viscosa, among others. They add to the ecological diversity of the reserve and serve as important transitional zones between forested and open areas.

(5) Epiphytes and Orchids:

The reserve is also known for its rich diversity of epiphytic plants, including various ferns, mosses, and orchids. These plants grow on the trunks and branches of trees, using them as a substrate. Orchids, such as the Vanda, Dendrobium, and Cymbidium species, are particularly notable for their vibrant flowers and are considered a symbol of the reserve's floral diversity.

Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve Fauna (Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve Animals)

Which animals are found in Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve?/Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve is famous for which animal?

The Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve is home to a diverse array of fauna, with its varied habitats supporting a wide range of animal species. Here are some notable features of the fauna within the Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve:


  • Tigers
  • Leopards
  • Indian Bison
  • Sambar Deer
  • Spotted Deer
  • Indian Giant Squirrel
  • Langurs
  • Wild Boars
  • Porcupines
  • Pangolins


  • Malabar Pied Hornbill
  • Indian Roller
  • Crested Serpent Eagle
  • Paradise Flycatcher
  • Indian Pitta
  • Indian Peafowl
  • Great Indian Bustard
  • Painted Stork
  • Indian Vulture
  • Rufous Treepie


  • Indian Rock Python
  • King Cobra
  • Common Krait
  • Rat Snake
  • Monitor Lizards
  • Geckos
  • Skinks

Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve UPSC Questions

Q. Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve is in which state?/Where is Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve located?

A. The Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve is located in the Narmadapuram, Betul, and Chhindwara districts of Madhya Pradesh, India.

Q. Which national park is present in Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve?

A. The Satpura National Park is present within the Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve. Satpura National Park covers an area of approximately 524 square kilometers and is known for its diverse flora, fauna, and scenic landscapes. 

Q. How many wildlife sanctuaries are there in Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve?/Which are the two wildlife sanctuaries found in Pachmarhi Biosphere?

A. There are 2 wildlife sanctuaries that are part of the Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve.The 2 wildlife sanctuaries in the Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve are:

  • Bori Wildlife Sanctuary
  • Pachmarhi Wildlife Sanctuary

Q. Which is the highest peak in Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve?

A. Dhoopgarh is the highest peak in the Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve. It is located in the Satpura Range, near Pachmarhi town in Madhya Pradesh, India. Dhoopgarh stands at an elevation of approximately 1,350 meters (4,429 feet) above sea level, making it the highest point in the reserve.

Q. Which endangered species are found in Pachmarhi Biosphere?

A. The Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve is home to several endangered species, contributing to the conservation efforts in the region. Some of the endangered species found in the Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve include:

  • Indian Giant Squirrel (Ratufa indica)
  • Indian Pangolin (Manis crassicaudata)
  • Indian Giant Flying Squirrel (Petaurista philippensis)

Q. What is the unique feature of the biodiversity found in Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve?

A. The unique feature of the biodiversity found in the Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve is its representation of a transition zone between different ecological regions. The reserve is located in the central part of India and encompasses elements of both the Deccan Peninsula and the Indo-Gangetic Plains. This geographical position results in a rich and diverse combination of flora and fauna from various ecosystems.

The Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve showcases a blend of species that are typically found in the northern, central, and southern regions of India. It acts as a meeting point for different floral and faunal elements, resulting in a unique assemblage of species.

Q. How many rock shelters are there in Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve?

A. The exact number of rock shelters in the Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve is not readily available. The reserve is known for its numerous rock shelters and caves, which have historical and archaeological significance. These rock shelters contain ancient cave paintings, some of which are believed to be thousands of years old. 

Q. How many rock paintings are found in Pachmarhi Biosphere?

A. The exact number of rock paintings found in the Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve is not known, as the reserve encompasses a vast area with numerous rock shelters and caves. The rock paintings found in the Pachmarhi region are of great archaeological and historical significance, with some dating back thousands of years. These paintings provide insights into the lives and cultures of ancient civilizations that once inhabited the area.

The rock paintings in Pachmarhi often depict various subjects such as human figures, animals, hunting scenes, rituals, and daily life activities. They are typically created using natural pigments and exhibit a unique artistic style.

Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve

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